Corn...which one is best in NW (feed for chickens, flour, eating)


11 Years
May 31, 2008
Eagle Creek, OR
I am getting ready to order seed for next years garden....and there are so many choices. We want to try all heirloom seeds next year for some of our crops. I would like to grow a corn that I can use for feed, flour, and some for human eating. And here in the NW we have a moist cool climate so I am unsure what would do well here. Example my russet potatoes did awesome while my reds didn't do very well. Now I know all russet next year.

Any other good veggies for here in NW? (Sorry...most of my friends live in the city....I had one of my best friends ask me how I make the eggs brown. She didn't believe me at first when I said...uh...some chickens lay brown eggs. Then she you bleach the white ones then to get them that color....oh

Any Advice would be great...I want my animals to eat well too. And we are trying to get less dependent on the feed store and grocery stores.
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Sorry Jess can't help you out on that one, maybe you should put the question into another of the chicken sections to get a quick response...... but good luck....Linda
Thanks Linda!

Think I am going to try Rainbow Corn. Looks like it will grow here too. Also going to do the squash and beans thing.

I thought maybe some chicken folks around here grew something in their garden to also use as feed.

Thanks again!

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