Coturnix Hen With Bumble Foot


10 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Western Montana
One of my quail hens has bumble. It's pretty big (for a quail) about pea sized. Does a foot bath in warm water with epsom salt sound good?

Edit: I soaked her foot in warm Epsom salt water, and tried to get the scab off. A little blood came out, but that's all. It's not on the bottom of her foot, but the little webbing between two of her toes. I stopped because she was getting very, very scared. It's bandaged with Vet-rap, and she's still with six other hens and an extremely gentle roo. Try again tomorrow?
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Soaking in Epsom salts is good. If there is a black scab, it needs to be removed and the infection cut has more of the texture of cheese than a runny type pus. Do not use hydrogen peroxide, as this will kill any live tissues. Put some Neosporan on the wound and wrap with gauze and vet wrap to keep it clean.

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