Could a heavy laying strain of goose be developed?


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
Charlotte, NC Area
Is anyone working on it? I have two geese--a toulouse I raised with my flock of ducks, and a chinese I just adopted from a waterfowl rescue. They are such intelligent, fascinating creatures. They are so SMART and beautiful, and I want a whole bunch of them but...

I have a rule in my yard that the animals all have to do something useful. Two geese are useful as guardians. But more would be decadent, lol. But if there were a strain that could lay the way Indian Runners or magpies do... I'd be all over that. I'd trade in one of my duck flocks for a goose flock, happily. I do love my ducks but... geese are just cool.

Is there any reason why it wouldn't be possible? I mean, ducks don't *naturally* lay 300 eggs a year--those strains have been selectively bred over many, many generations. I don't have enough space to raise enough geese to even start a project like that, but I was wondering whether anyone is working on it. Or is there a really good reason why it hasn't already been done?

I am sure any good breeder does keep productivity in mind while breeding. Just like fertility is important. But I don't think there is a market for goose eggs (or turkey) like there is for duck and chicken eggs.

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