Could i keep a cornish bantam and not slaughter.

Pampered chicken girl

🎃🍁Ready for fall🍁🎃
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I really want to get a blue laced red bird and although I could get a wyandotte I prefer bantams. So that takes us to the question...could I keep a blue laced red cornish bantam and not slaughter or will it be unhealthy, have a short life, and suffer. I want the bird to be happy so if I cannot I will just get the wyandottes
That is a common mistake on here. The meat bird hybrid called things like Cornish Cross, Cornish X, Cornish Rock, or CX has been developed to be a fast growing broiler that dominates the commercial meat industry. The Cornish are a specific breed of chicken that was one of the parent breeds of that hybrid creation. The Cornish breed are no harder to take care of than any other dual purpose breed. You are good to go with a Cornish, either full-sized or bantam, but not a Cornish Cross.
I really want to get a blue laced red bird and although I could get a wyandotte I prefer bantams. So that takes us to the question...could I keep a blue laced red cornish bantam and not slaughter or will it be unhealthy, have a short life, and suffer. I want the bird to be happy so if I cannot I will just get the wyandottes
Ideal hatchery sells Blue laced Red Wyondottes bantams.

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