Could it be het stroke? Auastralop down....

RedBrush Farm

11 Years
Jun 12, 2011
All my hens were well this morning, but we were gone all day and when I went to close the coop this evening, 1 of my hens was sitting on the floor of the coop with her head turned sideways and her head was under her body. I picked her up but she was unresponsive for the most part. She drank a little water for me but had 0 energy. She was slightly swolen on one side of her head but did not look at all as if she has been attackes. The temp. here in MO has been in the 70's for the last couple weeks but the last two days has been in the 70's at night and 94+ during the day. They have an extermely chicken yard, access to shade, food and water at all times. I just wondered if the heat would do it. (She is an Australorp)
Billie Sue
All my hens were well this morning, but we were gone all day and when I went to close the coop this evening, 1 of my hens was sitting on the floor of the coop with her head turned sideways and her head was under her body. I picked her up but she was unresponsive for the most part. She drank a little water for me but had 0 energy. She was slightly swolen on one side of her head but did not look at all as if she has been attackes. The temp. here in MO has been in the 70's for the last couple weeks but the last two days has been in the 70's at night and 94+ during the day. They have an extermely chicken yard, access to shade, food and water at all times. I just wondered if the heat would do it. (She is an Australorp)
Billie Sue
If shes an australorp i don't think it was heat stroke because they are very heat tolerant.
Thats what I thought. I did not have any trouble last summer. I checked and her crop wasnt hard and her neck does not seem to be damaged in any way. I guess she could have been bitten by something (she is swolen on one side of her face) I am at a loss. The only other bird I had do anything similar had wry neck. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas. I do not want to have more birds come down ill.

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