Could this be a Buff Orpington?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 11, 2009
Jefferson City, MO

I hope that you can see the shading in this picture. This was my favorite baby chick. He/she was the yummiest pale brown, not yellow like a lot of the others. As it has grown, it filled in with "white" feathers but they always seemed tinted to me. Now, it seems whitish on the bottom but all around its neck and head is this "buff" color. Do you think it could be a Buff? I think its a rooster because of its antics but I don't mind. We'll keep him if he's a Buff.
No, it's not a buff orpington.
It looks like a white plymouth rock, or it could be a cross between a white rock and a buff orp, but either way it's not a buff orp.

here are buff orps and white rocks. they are older than yours, but you can see the color difference.
How old is it? I get a "roo" look from him, but no waddles yet, so I dunno.
Good Luck!
My chicks will be 6 weeks old tomorrow.
Yeah, you're right. Not nearly Buff enough. I was wondering if it was a cross too but how often does that happen when they come from a hatchery?
What color legs do they have? At that age, I am gonna say boy b/c of the comb and it looks like he/she is getting the pointy neck feathers.
Now, if he has yellow legs as it looks like, he could be a Buff Plymouth Rock. They ARE lighter than Buff Orpingtons, will grow to be a nice size. Did you get them from Murray McMurray? they have nice, light colored Buff Rocks. (was he your surprise chick? Lol)

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