Couple Day Old Chick. What is it, please?

Very hard to tell just by the color patterns. Based on the fact that it has muffs, my initial guess would be an Easter Egger. Was it purchased at a feed store? Local seller? Any extra information may help identify it.
It was a Free "exotic" chick that came with the purchase of 15 Orpingtons from a hatchery .
It has the coloring of a Silver Phoenix. Again, pretty hard to tell with the description the hatchery gave you. Maybe take a few pictures in a couple of weeks and post them, and the community will be better able to help.
My guess from pictures on the net, is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. It's a WILD Guess based on limited internet pictures and ZERO knowledge. I'm not sure what this hatchery considers a Rare Exotic chicken, but I bet it isn't TOO rare or exotic for a FREE bird. I'll post more pictures as the weeks go on if anyone wants to test their Chick ID skills.
it's about 3 weeks old now and it kind a looks like a Turkey. I think my Wyandotte guess is utterly wrong. Any better guesses than mine?

It's an Easter Egger, and a cockerel.
I would be extremely disappointed if the hatchery considered an EE a "Rare and Exotic Breed"
As well, I have Easter Eggers and I have to be honest it doesn't really remind me of an EE
On one hand I'm Clueless with almost no experience, so you could be right.
On the other hand I have the advantage of seeing the bird live and in person, so . . .
The Chick is Bigger than the Orpingtons and it's legs are really unusual.
Pea comb, fluffy cheeks, and green legs only adds up to an Easter Egger. Nothing else has that set of traits. And hatcheries consider them rare/exotic because they incorrectly label them as Ameraucana.

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