Coyote(s) killed 3 of my 4 girls today


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2017
I am one sad chicken mamma. Coyotes killed 3 of my 4 hens today. I’ve had them for 1 year. I have an automatic door on the coop and allowed them to free range all day. Now I have the single surviving hen locked in the coop. I’m trying to figure out what to do. Either I get one or two more to keep my survivor company or give away my last one. Any suggestions? If I purchase 2 more, should I get babies or adults? Which would integrate better with the one I have now? She is a gold sex link. Any suggestions on quiet breeds? Part of the reason I let them free range is I realized they were happier/quieter that way. Obviously now, I am real hesitant to ever let them out of the coop, so am thinking maybe a more quiet breed would be better. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I am SO sorry- losing chickens, especially ones you knew well, is so hard.
If you can find a couple of silkie hens, they are usually very docile/quiet and mine are very sweet. I would go with adults because adult hens that are not broody do not care for having chicks around, and that way, your lone hen can have companions sooner rather than having to wait for some chicks to grow.
Good luck,
So sorry to hear of your loss. It is hard to lose them. My sex-links are also very demanding about being free, even tho they have a large pasture. My sister has one with her silkies and that one is noisy about getting out of the run too. So, I'm thinking that may be a sex-link trait. I've lost 2 of my original 6 to foxes. They are locked in their pasture more often now but I still let them free range pretty much a few hours every day or they are just not happy (usually not until my dog has been out and about for a while to hopefully scare any foxes away).

I agree with the others to get ones that are close to the same age. I have some young Langshan crosses and they seem pretty quiet and content to be in the run and pasture. Sis's silkies are also content to stay in their run. Good luck... and if you can make a strong run, even a small one, that would be good because that coyote will be back and she can at least be out a little. After the fox got my second one, I saw one actually chase another of the girls when she was out but thankfully didn't catch her. It was brazen - stood at the edge of the woods, maybe 50 feet away, while I tried to round them up and get them into safety. And it was back fairly regular for a couple weeks, checking out the fence when I started keeping them locked in.
I had a lone survivor too. I was able to spend a lot of time with her. I spent time every day. We have a bond that’s more like a puppy and owner. She’s special.
Kept telling her I’d get her friends in the spring which I did. Things are great.
So I guess if you have time so she doesn’t get lonely then don’t give her away. Get some friends for her.
I’m so sorry for your loss. :hit
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:hugs Sorry for your loss :hugs IF you choose to get her a friend (recommend) or two, get them close to her age & size. Quarantine the newbies for at least a month before working on the introduction. Buff's are pretty quiet but larger than Gold Sex Links, you may want to get another one or two of the same.
Acck! Sorry for your loss.
Take a deep breath.

Why is 'quiet' important?
What is your climate/location?
Do you have the 'extra' space that makes integration easier?
Have you ever integrated before?
Chicks would be easier to integrate(no threat to adult and takes less space),
and safer(no pests or disease risk).

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