cozy comfort


7 Years
Oct 15, 2012
for my quails i give them these little plush nests meant for small mammals. each of my quail, 2 button and 1 cothurnix live in separate cages and these nests are where they sleep. i think it is a substitute for a cage mate warmth -wise. they look so cute!
i try to set up my cages with each bird's need. safety first, then comfort.
just thought others might try these ideas.
Nothing wrong with spoiling them rotten! And it makes them happier which is all that matters in the end. Quail are very smart and are often misunderstood in the poultry world. Treating them extra special can make up for that "something" that is missing within them. They respond well to the "extras" given to them, leading to a longer life span and healthier over all life.

Great job!
dear two crows,
thank you so much for the compliment! i love my quail, but some don't understand my love. i think the feed store people think i'm a little cuckoo for buying a 20# of gamebird food because they know i only have 1 cothurnix . but the large bags are factory sealed. buying by the pound from open bins is not too clean. i've seen mice in the bins.
and i grind the crumbles to a smaller size for the button quail.
my male cothurnix lives in the "dove room" with my ringneck doves. everyday i let the cothurnix (aka Big Daddy) out to run around on the floor while i tend to doves. he has a large plush bed where he takes his dust baths ("dust" is his food) and then by mistake i found that he likes wet newspaper for "baths". i give him a few dry mealworms. what is so cute is that when i'm at a dove cage, he pecks at my pants. that means i should bend down and pet him! he flattens out his body for the petting and stands up when he's had enough:)
smart or spoiled? either way i love that little guy.
I know a few people with house quail as pets. Especially the Coturnix quail, they can become real snugglers and get under your jacket or sweater to snuggle in for lovin'. They can be kept just as parrots and become a part of the family. A friend of mine has a male quail that defends her like she is his mate! He attacks anyone that comes near her. LOL He hangs out with her all day and loves it.

But you are doing well to buy the smaller bag of feed. No sense in buying a huge bag of feed. I am sure even the 20 pounder takes a while to get thru.

Keep up all the lovin' on your birds! They can be very rewarding pets to keep and are so much that they are horribly missed when they pass on. Enjoy every moment with them!

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