crazy hen got herself and her chick into laying box


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2015
Pleasant grove ca
I have this crazy hen that ran away for almost a month and came home with the most adorable chick. Over the last 2 weeks she has slowly integrating back into the flock but getting closer with them every day. I go out this afternoon to do my hen check and I could not find crazy and her baby. I finally gave up and went to check for eggs in the coop and there she is with her chick! Now the nesting boxes are about 18 inches off the ground. How in the world did she jump in there with this baby chick that is maybe 3 weeks old? I told my husband next time someone calls me chicken I'm going to take it as a compliment. These birds are amazing. An anyone tell me how she could have done this? Again my nesting boxes are almost 2 feet high. No way baby could have jumped that high.
Sure the baby can jump/flap that high. Just look at all the threads of 3 week old chicks breaking out of different. I'd say put up something to help the baby reach the roost, cause sounds like Momma will be heading for that in a few short weeks!

Congrats on your surprise chick!
Our brooder is 2 feet high. They were waiting for us to come feed them at 2-3 weeks sitting on the edge. Only the leghorn roosters did that though. Oh and easter eggers... -.- little puffy cheeked rascals XD

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