Crazy in rural Colorado


10 Years
Jan 14, 2010
So I just moved to--well, not the country, more like a conservative rural city in southeast Colorado. I am going out of my CRAZY liberal mind here. There is literally nothing to do! I live 30 feet from my in-laws, my "backyard" is full of my FIL's junk (3 non-working tractors, a rusted out dump truck, a giant stack of scrap metal), my DH cut the fence separating our properties so it's one big lot, and my in-laws keep stopping by unannouced. Then, my MIL starts criticizing my housework.
Tell me you're coming over and I'll pick my dirty clothes off the floor! I feel like a prisoner in my house because whenever I go outside, my FIL follows me around, asking what I'm up to. It's my yard!!!!! I know I'm probably being too sensitive, but I'm a private person by nature. I garden alone because that's how I meditate.

I also need some advice on how to meet people. I don't know anyone else here, and I've checked the newspaper, bullitan boards, everything I can think of to find a club to join. Everything seems to be geared for the over 55 crowd, and I'm only 37. My health is not great, so I'm not able to work, but I want to do something! I'm so lonely...
Thank goodness I have my lovely chickens.

Anyone need a penpal?
True. Maybe we should start just keeping a log of the crazy stuff we see people do. I'll start. Two days ago my MIL stopped over and turned around to show us her butt. "Look I have a butt now!" she said proudly. DH and I looked at each other, clueless. MIL then pulled a wad of bubble wrap out of her pants.
Not really my choice. I had a great house in Littleton, with my chickens, dogs. Then my health went south, and guess what? I *AM* one of those millions of American's who cannot afford health insurance (heck, I couldn't get it if I tried). Then I got Lupus and couldn't work--DH is on disability already and only pulling in $600 a month. I did qualify for low income health care, which, by the way SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw 8 doctors in 6 months while they shrugged their shoulders before doctor #8 finally noticed a blood work result EVERYONE else had missed. He ran another test and was shocked. He put me on the right medication--and I could finally move my fingers again without excruciating pain. It did, however, take me another three months before I could walk again. Total life-wrecking incident.

Anywho, DH's parents offered to put a mobile home on the lot next to their house (we were going to lose our Littleton house if we did not sell it). We did sell it (in two days!) and used the proceeds to pay off this place. So we are set finacially, it's my EMOTIONAL and MENTAL states that are not handling this well! I guess somehow I thought his parents would be more um..... Normal? My parents are very normal. They call before stopping by (I lived 5 minutes away from them in Littleton), and my mother is a very fashion concious person.

Is it wrong to want to walk into the living room at his parents and not see my MIL walking around in her underwear? Or does my FIL really need to come help me open a checking account? The last time I needed a parent to help me open a checking account I was 14.

Please tell me someone out there is living in Looneytown too!
Sorry for your situation, but it does seem that you are ungrateful for that which has become necessary. Maybe you inlaws are just trying to be generous, as best as they know how.

SE Colorado is a big stretch of nothingness, unless you are involved in the agriculture of the area. On the bright side, you always have Tumbleweed season to look forward to.
Yeah, I know, I really am grateful we are not on the streets. But some days it just seems so very surreal. We have some sweet tumbleweed here. It's fun to hit them with your car! It's mostly this weird mustard weed though, oh, and ragweed, which my hens LOVE!!! That's one of the best things about hens--they love my weeds!

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