Crazy looks when I tell people I own chickens


6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
So when I go to lowes or homedepot or a feed store and pick up coop supplies or feed they look at me like im nuts, Im 29 m and yes I modeled for 8 yrs so I was very attractive(still am but not it tip top shape) is it they expect me to look like a farmer or dressed in overalls ????????//// SERIOUSLY i grew up on a farm "processed : more chickens and rabbits from the age of 7 than half of the "farmers" I know,I dig in the dirt, pick up chicken poop with my bare hands love gardening, so i clean up well, IS that my fault lol!!!! Just funny any of you folks get wierd looks or is it just me


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Well...I can't claim that I have a similar physical description that you have, but yeah, people think it's funny I have chickens. I was raised in a medium-sized town in the Mojave desert, and even though I was in 4-H, I only knew one family that had chickens...I think folks thought they'd dry up and blow away! My own mom thinks it's weird that I do canning, garden, and raise chickens. No one else SAYS it's strange, but if your own mom thinks you're weirds, it's a pretty fair bet other people are at least thinking it!
lol how cute, My mom doesnt think i'm weird just doesnt get why Chickens, she grew up when chickens werent really looked at just eaten lol... I mean I don't know if its because of my looks, When agway had its "chick day" the lines were out the door!!! so its not just me, were is everyone hiding their chickens lol, I feel like all yall understand the chicken love... but some people still have the pitchfork farmer in the dell picture in their mind... LOL im the farmer in Gucci...(not really) when im home there's nothing else better I love doing than putting on almost rags and go straight outside and jump right in!!
Some people get really weirded out when I tell them I keep ( kept now :'(. )chickens, I included it in one of our French Speaking Assessments and had to go practise it with a native French-Speaker who had come to our school, who just paused and stared at me for ages when I mentioned that I kept chickens. He was really confused, like he'd never heard of people keeping chickens before.
lol....luckily I lived in a farm community during highschool... Although everyone always knew I was alittle off lol :)
I probably look like someone who'd want to keep chickens -- I'm a short, overweight, middle-aged woman who wears her hair natural gray and long. No one is ever surprised that I garden, can, or do crafts.

But I know that look you're talking about. It absolutely boggles people's minds when they find out one of my other hobbies is shooting.
lol screw em .....i hate that people judge on looks,,,,,,being in that industry im glad im out!! Annie get you gun lol

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