Crazy Moth!!!


12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
East Brady, PA
Okay, we found this HUGE moth on the shutter outside my bedroom window this morning. To put it's size into perspective, I am a tall girl, 5'9", and the rings on my finger are size 9, so my hands aren't small.
I took this with my cell phone, so that's why the image is blurry.

Anybody know what the heck it is?

Wow... he is pretty! I've seen a huge moth only once in my life. It was bigger than my hand and I, like you, am very tall (5' 10") and wear a size 8-1/2 wedding band!

Yep... I pretty much ran away screaming. I was NOT prepared to see something like that.
Oh wow, isn't he gorgeous! I've never quite seen anything like it!

Just saw a moth the other day whilst at boyscout camp with the young'n I work with that I swear was so huge I thought for a minute it was a downed bat!! I used to be terrified of the things as kids, but find them fascinating now.
The caterpillars are big, mean, and electric green - but they eventually grow out of it. This is a little one that was fooled by our `mock' spring back in April.

Oh, neat!! I was afraid to pick it up, I didn't want to scare it away, LOL. It is still around the house. Yesterday, it was on the side porch rail all day, this morning it's out on the front deck.

I never thought of the Lunesta commercial.


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