Crazy Silkie colors! Does that mean it's a Roo?


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Fort Bragg, NC
I have a black Silkie that is going on 3 months. S/he has gold feathering in the neck, beautiful dark purple in the wings, and dark peacock green through the tail. It is increadibly beautiful, but although the colors are very vibrant, you can't see them in every light, so I haven't been able to really capture it with my camera- s/he just looks black on film.
Does this bright color indicate a Roo? Or is it just indicative of the breed for both male and female??

Also, s/he "barks" like the dog, instead of bok like the other hens - is that normal? It is no louder than a bok, but it's such a strange noise.
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Last night as I was down at the horse stalls talking to a neighbor and watching the chickens I have there settle in the the night, one was making noises that I swear sounded like the oinking of a pig! If you post a photo, we can possibly help determine gender, but at 3 months, it is probably way too early.
I have one Marans pullet that honks like a goose! A picture would surely help here
Since we're so new to chickens, and especially silkies, can you tell me how you tell the difference in sex?? Also....I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you say my Ann is a boy
a hen/pullet has a lot more saddle feathering, almost covering the tail
a hen does not have much or any purple in the wing, or green/blue in the tail feathering(only in black, sometimes blue)
hens have shorter, neater tail feathering
the crest in a male is more swept back and smaller, than that of a hens pom-pom like crest
the cockerel/cock stands taller and prouder than the hen/pullet
the cockerel/cock has longer legs than the hen/pullet
the hen/pullet will not show as much gold in the hackle as that of a male(only in black, sometimes blue)
the cockerels tail is held higher than the hens/pullets
Thank you so much! Very informative! My husband and I have both had our suspicions about baby Ann since day one, and the coloring was just too much. Now...what to do with my baby!? Of course, HE is my favorite & I can't imagine parting with him!

Too funny others bark, oink and honk!!!
my black silkie pair bark or honk all the time! dont know why!
how many silkies do you have??can you keep cockerels?how many have you already got?
silkies aren't loud, good or frequent crowers, its more of a quiet version of a scream, unless you have another cockerel, as they seem to be copy cats and copy the 'head' cockerels' crow, one of my silkie roos copied my RIR, i got rid and hes gone back to being quiet, so up to you whether to keep or not
(by the way i was getting rid anyway because he was aggressive and not to shut my silkie up)

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