cream legbar gender


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2015

The first 2 pictures are of my cream legbar of questionable gender and the 3rd is the male, The first pic is why I'm not sure about sex she/he has a small white dot on its head but it is feathering out much faster and comb seems much smaller then the one I know is a boy.
Here are some comb pics not the best but here is my boy.
And here is 2 of the one in question.
These are the best I have from the day I got them, this chick has been really hard to figure out. definitely a hatchery bird as the markings are not well defined.
I'm thinking female. If she is, I sure wouldn't use her as breeding stock, though. The auto sexing trait is one that needs to be culled hard for, and this chick didn't have it. Her offspring will be just as frustrating, from my understanding.

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