Cream Legbars in Louisiana


5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
Raceland, LA
Any breeders of Cream Legbars in or near Louisiana?? Trying to exhaust all my options before I break down and buy some hatching eggs (which I have never done before)!
The Old Farm House Chickens has them. They are located in N. Texas near Dallas. I got mine there. I got one Cream legbar and one Isbar. They have just started laying large blue eggs (Legbar) and medium green eggs (Isbar). I picked my pullets up so was able to tour their facilities. Beautiful place and very clean. Hope this helps!
I know I am late to the party... Do you still have the Cream Legbar roosters available?
Covington, LA
Sorry, I'm late again. Forgot to check the thread. I am very interested in the CL roos . What is the price for the roos? Any pullets available? Maybe this coming weekend? PM me and we'll discuss particulars.

No, I don't have any pullets, sorry. Out of 13, only 4 were pullets and I lost 1. I am keeping the 3 to breed. I will have pullets possibly in the spring. I would like $10 each. I am going to take them out later today. Will post some pics.

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