Crested, Feather footed Mutant Girl?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 28, 2010
Hello all!
This little chicken is 3 months old and belongs to a friend of a friend. Her preschool class raised it from an egg. I think its a girl, but what do you all think? Also what do you think its parentage is? It is crested, and has feathers on its feet. It also has double toe that you can see in the last picture. I was thinking of bringing her to my house where 'she' can be with other chickens and have a yard to run around in. But is the extra toe an indication of inbreeding? Also 'she' came from a brown egg if that helps with her heritage.


She is a silkie mix, the extra toe is from the silkie parent... If you brought it to your house it will be ok, i think it a girl.
It is most likely a Silkie mixed with a "Red" bird (ex: Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire) or maybe some other Partridge variety. Here is a White Silkie x RIR cross I hatched in the past. Hope this helps

arent silkies small? she is the size of the rest of my standard breeds when they were 3 months. do silkies lay white eggs? Bad or good layers?
I agree with the Silkie mix. Hence the 5 toes, black skin and top poof
Silkies are a small bantam breed but shes probably getting her size from the other parentage. Silkies are sweetie things
Silkies tend to not be good layers because they get rather broody... but Not sure what her mix is. But she sure is a pretty thing!

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