Crested Rouen Ducklings 8 cuties - updated new pics - 2 sold


16 Years
Jun 11, 2008
West Plains, Missouri
Hi Folks,

I purchased a straight run of Crested Rouen ducklings from Ideal last week (shipped 2/24). I plan on keeping some and am looking for new homes for the others. I have about eight for sale. I am asking $6.00 per duckling. I cannot determine the sex of these cuties.

I am in Northern Illinois and cannot ship these ducklings. They are currently living in the house and if course require a warm environment until they are feathered and/or the weather warms up.



The ducklings are eating a combination of Purina Chick Starter and Game Bird Starter.

I am trying to handle them daily. These are my first ducks but I understand that these will probably be calm ducks of medium size that lay decently but not as well as the egg laying breeds.

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Just an FYI, rouen ducks are the biggest duck breed, with males reaching up to 11 pounds and females about 9 or 10.
They do lay very well though, when in season.

ETA: biggest breed other than muscovies, which aren't technically a duck breed anyway
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Hi Chickenlover54,

I'm pretty new to poultry and have never shown poultry anywhere, but I have been to the regular poultry show at the fair grounds and the poultry show that goes on during the fair just to look.

I took a look at your web site, very nice, your birds are lovely.
Hi Friend2Fowl,

I'm new to ducks and only have the info I've read but my guess is my ducklings won't get quite that big. Since they are from a hatchery and are probably not show quality I'm assuming they will not be as big as the show type. But, like I said, I don't speak from experience

I do think they will be bigger than some of the other breeds, that's why I choose them, I'm hoping they will be less tempting for the Red Tail hawks.
You're right, they probably won't get that big coming from a hatchery, but they should still be very big ducks. They grow until they are 18 months unlike other ducks, so it takes them a while to fill out completely. I have rouens, pekins, and cayugas, and have no problems with hawks. Other predators, well, that's a different story. Luckily the only time they can catch them is if a hen is setting, so as long as I find all their eggs that shouldn't be a problem lol

I did read they took longer to mature but I did not know it would be 18 months. I'm glad you mentioned that, I would have been worrying about their rate of growth. I can also let potential buyers know this.

I'm hoping that with proper handling they will be very tame and relaxed around people, as I've read rouens can be. I am concerned that only the show type rouens are quiet like this - do you know if the temperament of the production rouens will be similar to the show rouens? With their cute crests I'm assuming these will find homes in small flocks, probably with children in the picture. I am planning on listing them on Craigslist when they get a little older and I want to be as accurate as possible when I describe them - my worst fear is that someone will be unhappy with them and that they will suffer because I did not represent them accurately.
My ducks are basically wild, spending almost all their time down on our pond. But they do come up in the morning and afternoon to eat, and usually I have to watch where I step so I don't trip over them. I'm sure they would tame down pretty well if they are handled a lot, mine need to be kind of wild to survive on their 'own'. I don't pen mine up, and they don't have a house to get locked in, so being wild, for mine, is better.

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