Crisis averted? 3-week old chicks in rain for hours. Pneumonia/death still possible?


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2022
This morning I let them free range in my yard, then I fell asleep at noon. It rained for 4~ hours and I woke to see them all huddled in the rain, not taking shelter. The smallest were unconscious, sporadically twitching.

I brought them all inside and blow dried them for an hour. ALL recovered and started eating and drinking again, looking fine.

Is there a chance any will still die from pneumonia or something soon? Will it be contagious and spread?
Only time will tell if they get sick, but if they have recovered and are eating/drinking/active, then chances are good they will be o.k.

It would be a good idea to make some heat like a brooder plate available for them to get under just in case they need it.

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