Crooked Beak


In the Brooder
Jan 25, 2018
Lake Louisiana
Not sure of this one's breed, he came from a production mix from the hatchery. All were supposed to be pullets, but I'm fairly certain this one is not. He was sent with a trimmed beak. I was wondering if this crooked beak was a genetic issue, or if it just grew back that way. I don't want him passing along a jacked up beak to any offspring.


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Not sure of this one's breed, he came from a production mix from the hatchery. All were supposed to be pullets, but I'm fairly certain this one is not. He was sent with a trimmed beak. I was wondering if this crooked beak was a genetic issue, or if it just grew back that way. I don't want him passing along a jacked up beak to any offspring.
You bought them as day old chicks? Looks like the beak is crooked. Can’t tell if it’s a pullet or a cockerel from the photo provided. Can you take some full body pictures of it in natural light?
You bought them as day old chicks? Looks like the beak is crooked. Can’t tell if it’s a pullet or a cockerel from the photo provided. Can you take some full body pictures of it in natural light?

Yes, I got them as day old chicks in mid February. I'll get some better pictures after work this afternoon. I'm basing my thought that it's a rooster on comparing it to the other chick that looks the same, but has no comb or wattle.

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