crooked foot/toes... what do i do now?


Sparkle Magnet
May 6, 2009
Akron, Ohio
Ok one of the chicks that hatched this past Tuesday has a foot on which one toe is curled under the rest. Is this splayed foot? How do i fix it? Thanks in advance.
I think you have to make a little cardboard shoe for it to spread the toes out and strengthen the joints and tendions. Think like a pair of sandels or snow-shoes for chicks...I know...tiny little feet!! I saw a post on here somewhere. Some vitamins would also help. I almost bought some chicks with feet like that, but was told it was caused by possibly a couple of things. 1. Genetics 2. Incubator temp too high.

I'm sure others that are more educated can add to this. Good Luck...
The incubator temp was a little high, but the other six birds are unaffected and have straight toes. This is the chick who got " stuck" in the egg and had to be rescued, might that have been the cause of it? Anyone else have any advice? I heard you can wrap duct tape around the foot, will tat work? Or could it hurt the little feathery silkie feet?
The condition usually comes from poor nutrition on the mothers part or incorrect humidity in the incubator. you can try making a form of the foot and fasten all three toes to it with waterproof first aid tape. To further help give Poly Vi Sol infant drops WITHOUT iron. Sometimes you can help this very early on- like the first few days. Past 3 days to a week I haven't had much success. I too have a pullet with terribly curled toes on both feet, she has no problems with them. She roosts fine and forages with the rest without a care.
We love her as she is and it works for her.
I've used a regular fingertip type band aid alone and it worked out fine. I tried the dime trick but it was too heavy.
This does work !
Good luck

There is a post somewhere about orthopedic problems in chicks and how to fix them. Will see if I can find it for you.

(I dont know why it is but its been my observation that this happens a lot with last born chicks. Have no idea why.)

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