Crooked toed chick


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Land of Lincoln
I got one Orp Bantam black chick that has these crooked toes, they were straight for almost a week and half and all of a sudden they slowly curved sideways. Well I didnt catch it in time and dont know it is would be permanent. So if I let this chick be on its own, and if it is a pullet, would you use her for breeding even it was not genetic to begin with (most likely feed related since they were on meatbird grower and will be starting on Purina start and grow).

Should I inform future egg buyers that this pullet has a problem with her foot to cover my ends or informed them that it was not genetic and her chicks should never have any crooked toes?

What do you suggest? I dont know if I can tape her toes since it already happened that late but I can pull it to place and she walked fine but afraid once I take off the tape, it might reverse back the way it was.
I would very carefully try to tape the toes and see what happens. You can also if you have time hatch some eggs from her and see if they do that also. If they do I would cull or seperate her from the breeding pen.
Sounds like she has malabsorption issues. Personally, I would not use her in a breeding pen. Too many things are written off, breaks the gene pool down and comes back to haunt ya later. If you can spare her for just a pet, that would be what I would do.

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