Crookneck, interesting...

Shared Acres

11 Years
Aug 10, 2008
Northeast Fla
My 2 week old chick has had crookneck going on for the 3rd day.

The first day it was bad with her head up underneath her most of the day.

Second day she looked almost normal, just head slightly cocked. When scared would have a sort of seizure and go back to the neck bent under the body position.

Today she was back to being pretty bad and in that almost standing on her head position all day.

INTERESTING observation: I have been putting antibiotics and vitamins with pedialyte in a syringe to give to her. If I hold her upright, neck up in what should be a normal position for a second and put her down she'll be somewhat normal again for a few minutes. Then she'll have a relapse. So I'll restraighter her neck and hold it for 30 seconds and let it go and she's fine for a bit longer.

Anyone else tried this?
We have a 17 week old black polish rooster who has crookneck. i have been giving him polivisol vitamins and vitamin E we had to put him into the hospital coop with his mate because the others would knock him down and dhe had trouble getting back up. he has become so tame. I have found that if I hold the bowl up under his head he can eat better, I do the same with his water i hold it up so he can drink. Now when I come up to his house he coos at me I can pet him and he really enjoys it.I have found that if his head falls to the side I hold it and he rights it. I don't know if he will ever be normal or if he will be able to go back into his coop with the other polish but I have decided he will stay even if he has to free range. We are not supposed to let the chickens free range as we are adjacent to the wildlife area but we let our older rooster and his hen freerange. Our older rooster was defeated by a younger and bigger rooster a while back so he just runs loose I love to watch him and his mate tease the other chickens because they are not loose.
Wow! 8o Interesting link! I didn't know that about vaulted "skulls" in Silkies- that the vault is actually their BRAIN bulging through a hole in the skull! I thought the vault was their skull! Eep!

I just bought a pair of Showgirls off Eggbid, received this week, and suspect the cockerel has a very mild case of wry neck.
Of course this wasn't mentioned in the auction! Still, he's a gorgeous boy and it doesn't appear to be a genetic condition, so I don't have to worry about him passing the trait on, at least.
The chick may have had a head injury and could recover neurologically if you follow Alan's treatment for crooked neck. If you don't think a head injury is likely, then consider botulism as this can sometimes present in a similar way and can have sudden onset. If the chick could have ingested any spoiled food, then do a search on botulism in poultry, you can do a molasses flush, but be very careful when syringe feeding or flushing not to aspirate. Alan's treatment can also help with this. I have used his treatment with one that I suspected had botulism and one with crooked neck, the crooked neck was born this way and did improve but was more of an orthopedic impairment in the spine/neck that did not fully recover. The one with limber neck did improve fully over time.
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Where are you guys getting predisone from? has it but it looks like you need vet approval to get it.

Anywhere to get it without vet approval?
Hi 904, I have a silkie hen that developed crooked neck a few weeks after hatch. She is almost back to normal except when she gets excited and spins in circles. Using the poly vi sol liquid vitamins and giving Vit E drops from the reg. capsules, she improved over time. Don't stop too early or it might relapse. As far as predisone goes, do you have a reg. vet for your other animals? If you have a good repor with your vet they may call in the RX for you if you explain it's for a chicken. My livestock vet does this for me since he doesn't treat chickens.
chickenzoo, you're in my area, who do you use?

Clay County Humane Society is who I normally use, but they obviously don't see chickens.
Which one can get me the meds for my chicken?

The one that gets you the prescription for it, is he local, will he do it for me too ya think? Or could I buy some from you?

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