cross beak - 3 week old silkie


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
My silkie laid and hatched 2 eggs on her own.(named "Pip -n- Pop") They are almost 3 weeks. I noticed that one has a crooked beak. It was 4 or 5 days since I first noticed it. In those 4 or 5 days I've noticed that it looks to be getting worse. Is it possible to get worse in only a fee days? He/she seems to normally eat and drink because it is just slightly larger than its "twin". Any idea if this will get worse? I did read the cross beak threads BTW. Thanks
It will get worse as the chick can trim the beak with a nail file but will need to do this frequently and the cross beak will always be there...the chick needs to feed from a deep ensure it can get enough feed and nutrients into it...cross beak chicks are some of the most endearing of all...they tend to have huge characters and will always be with you when the feed is around....

Enjoy your special needs chick...they are a gift,,,challenging but so very worthwhile....

Thank you soooooo much

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