Crossbow Hunting


Redneck Tech Girl
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Since there are a couple hunting threads in here...

I'm going to go crossbow shopping today. I'm no longer able to hold my compound bow at full draw, let alone anything like a traditional bow. I blew up my rotator cuff two weeks ago attempting, and ended up walking in with a dislocated shoulder. Crossbows are now legal hunting devices in MI.

Anyone here have or use crossbow? Likes, dislikes? I'm hoping to stay under $500. I think we are going to take a family trip to the Cabela's store in MI today

FWIW, there is a HUGE deer population here - lots of car-deer accidents, and we prefer to live on venison when we have it. We're good hunters
No hating please!
Cabela's and Bass Pro shops have quite a few, but from what I've seen you will pay top dollar. For your budget though you should be able to get a really nice rig, scope with red dot, plenty of bolts and some fringe accessories that make life so much fun... All at those locations.

Have you looked into Gander Mountain in Flint by the way? Near the corner of Linden and Miller? At least visit the website before you go driving across the state
We have a Gander in Lansing, I've bought a few guns there
I've never been to the Flint one, might have to check it out when the small child ever decides to wake up!
hehehehe wake up wake up, time to go buy new fangled weps... c'mon kiddo, sleep sleep sleep in the car

Did they have any crossbows at the one in lansing?
She's awake! I just checked- the Flint Gander is 3 miles closer to me than the Lansing, hee hee!
My buddie just picked up a crossbow. he got lucky, some guy bought it, then upgraded to a new bow, so he got the slightly used one for only $300.

You might want to check craigs list, you might get lucky.

My cousin picked up one last year after blowing out his shouler. He loves it.

Good luck!
I recommend you going to some shops and trying them out if they'll let you. They should. Cross bows are known for being rather loud. I would pick the quietest one you can get your hands on as loud bows will make deer jump the string more than anything.

They seem to be becoming more popular now a days.


I shot it a few times, along with a few others, and then shot it and sighted it in at the store

Left to get some lunch and think it over (and check on my phone for prices at different stores), talked with my friend who shoots a crossbow, and went back and bought it.

And another one.

We now have "his" and "hers" crossbows....gave it to hubby as a late anniversary, early Christmas present.

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