Crossing Silver Laced Wyandotte's with other breeds...what do you get??


8 Years
Jan 25, 2012
Southeastern, Oklahoma
Hello all! I added some chicks to my flock late this winter. Among other things, I ordered 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets. I ended up with 2 SLW roosters and 1 pullet, lol. I will keep one of these roos, and now I am planning which of my hens I will put in the new coop with him.

I have hens in the following breeds: White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Black Australorp, and of course, the one SLW hen.

Who has experience crossing any of these breeds with a SLW rooster?
Of the chickens that were the result of the cross: What did they look like? What color and size of eggs do they lay? And how good of producers were they?

I, of course, plan to put the SLW pullet in with the SLW rooster, but I am curious, also, as to what kind of crosses the SLW pullet would make with any one of my other roosters: Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Buff Orpington.

I am interested in hearing any and all thoughts and comments! Thanks!

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