crossing silver laced wyandotts and golden


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
I was told you can cross the silver laced with a golden laced and will get blue laced.Is that true.Me and my husband as decided to raise wyandotts. I was told they dont go broody vary often is that true.
You should just get some Blue laced red, and you will get 3 color varieties- blue, black & splash laced red. They are GORGEOUS!

I only have one adult- she's never gone broody. The rest of mine are chicks, and I LOVE them
Now in order to get the BLRW-does the color of the rooster determine this or the hen? I have a SLW rooster and both GLW and SLW hens. (Sorry OP for sticking my question in your thread!)
As others have said, no you won't get blue laced red.

I've got a lot of three different colorings of wyandottes. My Blue laced reds go broody a lot. My blue do too, but not as much. My silver laced haven't started laying yet so I don't know about them. It will make a difference on whether you get them from a hatchery or from a breeder as to how often they are likely to go broody.
I was told you can cross the silver laced with a golden laced and will get blue laced.Is that true.

As the others have said, absolutely not true.

I wouldn't breed silver and gold of anything. Once the gold gene is in there you'll never get it out again.

I know what you mean, but it's not actually the gold gene (s+) you have trouble getting rid of, it is the red genes which are often present in gold birds; autosmal reds.​
Blue is an entirely different gene than silver/gold. Red generally requires the addition of mahogany, a 3rd gene. (I'm not even going to bring up autosomal red!) Lacing genes (Pg/Pg Ml/Ml) are the only genes in common between these varieties. Yes, you could cross to get from silver or golden to get blue laced red, but it would take several generations to get it correct, and crossing silver to golden would not introduce the necessary blue or mahogany genes.

- silver is S/S for males and S/- for females;
- golden is S/s+ for males and does not exist for females;
- gold is s+/s+ for males and s+/- for females.
Just to clarify- I wasn't saying you should get BLRW from gold x silver crossing. I should have said "You should just BUY some BLRW" instead to get more colors in your flock.
thank so much for the reply.I am new at Raising chickens.I have slw and 1 glw .I have blr are on there way.I hope our hatch will be good.

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