Crowing age?


9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
Hi, another newbie question.....i have several types of bantams, cochin, dutch, d'uccle, and wyandotte, can anyone tell me at what age my roosters will begin to crow, or my hens to start laying? Also are male cochins slower to feather than females?
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It depends on the breed and the indivual.

What breeds do you have? Some production chickens mature way early, and will lay as early as 18-20 weeks. Others drag their feet and wait until 6-8 months.

I hatched a silkie roo that crowed at 5 weeks, and have other roos never crow.
I have a silkie which i am sure is a hen, 2 red cochin, 2 silver-penciled cochin, 2 mottled cochin, 2 light brown dutch(pretty sure they are hens), 1 buff columbian wyandotte(hen), and 2 D'uccle. The ones i am questioning are the 2 mottled, 1 SPC, and one of the red cochin, i think they may all be roo's, and definitely have 1 roo which is one of the d'uccle. The rest of my flock consists of all hens, RIR, NH red, golden comet, black star, and SLW, which are my standards.

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