Crushed chick toe


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2020
Manitoba Canada
3 week old ameraucana chick with crushed toe.
Happened yesterday - May 26.

Stopped bleeding and made a boot.

Removed the boot today and soaked salt water and applied antibiotic salve and honey with new bandage and boot.

Chick is drinking water with stress aid, and seems to still be eating.

She did have runny poops after I put the new bandage on but that might be from the stress of it all.

Im concerned the tip might be dead, not sure what can be done. If we leave it will the dead tip cause the rest of the foot to get infected?

She has not kept a bandage on the last two days. The nail fell off yesterday. The tip looks scabbed over and aside from holding it up occasionally she is doing well. Eating and drinking as normal.

She has not kept a bandage on the last two days. The nail fell off yesterday. The tip looks scabbed over and aside from holding it up occasionally she is doing well. Eating and drinking as normal.

Glad to hear she is doing o.k.!
I sort of thought that nail would fall off just by the photo.
It takes a little time to see what kind of damage there is with an injury like that. Sounds like she's self limiting her activity.
I would just keep watch on the toe. If you need to every few days (or more) clean and soak the foot.

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