CrzyChickenlady (Amber) is in the hospital this AM. Prayers needed.


Hatching Queen - Got Fudge?
11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
North Central Missouri boonies
Hey, I just now got a message from Amber that she is in the hospital this morning. The baby is ok but they are monitoring her and she is dilated to 1. Lets toss up some prayers to the Lord that everything is going ok for her.

I think she may have overdone the nesting instinct the last couple days. She told me yesterday she had that instinct BAD! Anyway, everyone lets band together and give her some encouragement!
I will be praying! Let us know how everything goes.
She has 6 weeks left so if the baby was n=born today it would probably be ok... But we want her and the baby healthy and happy. PRAYER SAID!!!

Thanks....I was thinking she didn't have too long left. After the triplet fiasco, I haven't been following the baby threads very closely.....and I love babies!
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She said they are going to monitor for another hour the baby's heartbeat keeps speeding up and slowing down!

I told her the BYC Prayer chain is on it!

Well, I visited her house yesterday and I can tell you 100% AMBER IS PREGNANT!!!!! No doubt about it! I saw with my own eyes and her baby room looks just like the pictures that she posted. LOL!!!
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