Cuckoo Marans - Hens or Roos


8 Years
Jul 24, 2011
Mashpee, Cape Cod, Massachussetts
OK, out of our first hatching I think we got mostly roos, but can you help verify. 1-9 are Marans and 9-12 are Wyandotts

If I understand correctly. Cuckoo Maran Pullets will be darker, Roos will have lighter color with heavier legs. All advice appreciated!

#1 - Roo?

#2 - Roo

#3 - Roo

#4 - ??

#5 - ?

#6 - Pullet

#7 - Pullet

#8 - Pullet

#9 - Pullet

#10 - Roo

#11 - ??

#12 - Pullet

Thanks in advance
"With Cuckoo Marans both sexes can have yellow spots on top of the head, but the male chicks have a larger splodgier yellow spot/patch, and the girls have anything from a few bits of yellow fluff to a small spot. It is fairly easy to distinguish between them if you are observing several chicks of each sex. The dark colouring on the boy chicks tends to be a smokey grey/black, whilst the dark colouring on the girls is almost black.
Each sex has a slightly different barring (stripes) pattern.
When they start to feather up the girls look noticably darker due to their stripes being closer together and an even width apart(dark grey/black stripes are the same width as the light grey/white stripes) The boys have a wider margin of white/pale grey between the darker grey stripes giving an overall lighter effect. "

Here are pictures of a pullet and roo cuckoo marans from chick to adult. Side by side for comparison.
That last one's yellow spot is HUGE! The barring is nicely defined but I'm not real sure about the wing color......
Nice pics, I have a chick that kind of looks like the ones that are roos, I'm not sure if he's a barred rock or a marans.. That link above is very helpful, too...

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