Cuckoo Marans


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Hello! Does anyone have any experience with Cuckoo Marans? More specifically, do they lay well and do they make good pets?
Which are you referring to? Hatchery Cuckoos or breeder Cuckoos?
Because it slightly depends.
I got cuckoo Marans from McMurray and was VERY dissappointed! First they did not lay a dark egg, and second the roosters 4 out of 5 were mean as the dickens, so i culled them. The one i kept is Great. But I have since learned this is because of the hatchery, they do not always breed for the things you look for, they breed for profit.
I have a CM hen from an ebay seller. I actually hatched 6: 4 girls, 2 boys. One girl laid an egg and effed up her leg on the same day. The others were all snaked away by a craigslister before they started laying (she came for the roo, and ended up tlaking me out of my other pullets)

Gimpy- the remaining pullet, lays almost EVERY day. The eggs were pretty dark, but with the rain have lightened up a little.

All that said, Gimpy is sweet as pie. I hear they can be tempermental, but my roos were big ol snuggle bunnies. Gynourmous, but sweet.
My Cuckoo Marans are fabulous layers! They rarely miss a day of laying, except when in molt. They are also very sweet and docile. My Cuckoo Marans roo (sold to a grandpa for his 6 yr old grandson's Christmas gift), was so gentle and so wonderful !
I have a CM roo from Murray McMurray. He isn't the snugly type but he is a very good roo to the hens and very respectful even of my 3 year old. I just hatched out 6 of his chicks and they all look like him even though they have different breed Mamas! After learning more I would avoid the hatchery but it was a good place for me to start.
I raise Cuckoo's and got mine from a private breeder, and they are the sweetest things. Even the two roos are laid back. Mine were bred for egg color so they lay a very dark egg, and they lay big old eggs too.
I have several CM's I don't buy birds from hatcheries at all ever. Mine are from breeding stock they are great birds and none are ever treated like pet's, they lay well very well with good big dark eggs in the 7-8 category. As I said there not pet's but are not flighty and are fairly docile and can be handled when needed, I really like them and would recomend them but not from Hatchery stock sorry.

I got my cuckoo maran hatching eggs from a private breeder and although they're not as sweet as my black copper marans, they're good layers of some very dark eggs if the weather is good. When the weather is nasty, they tend to slack off. My roo is huge and very pretty and such a gentleman to his girls, but for me he's a no touchem.

The chicks I will say are little freaks though. They're flighty and they scream a lot. They do however mellow with age.
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