My 4 months old English Fantail male pigeon has been shaking here and there for about 2 weeks now.
He isn't trembling constantly but rather randomly. He wasn't like that in the beginning.
It's only been a month since they have arrived.
Both male and female had lice infestation so I treated them with baths in Dettol. They don't seem to have lice anymore but they sure are itching themselves a lot.
And there are a lot of feathers around their coop. They seem to be growing new ones too.
I noticed today that on the last feather of his tail, he had this weird pattern. It is kind of flaky too. Non of the the other feathers have this and neithrr does the female. Their poo is sometimes green and sometimes brown. It may be green because of high humidity here. It's ranging from 60-75% humidity.
Any idea what this is about?
He isn't trembling constantly but rather randomly. He wasn't like that in the beginning.
It's only been a month since they have arrived.
Both male and female had lice infestation so I treated them with baths in Dettol. They don't seem to have lice anymore but they sure are itching themselves a lot.
And there are a lot of feathers around their coop. They seem to be growing new ones too.
I noticed today that on the last feather of his tail, he had this weird pattern. It is kind of flaky too. Non of the the other feathers have this and neithrr does the female. Their poo is sometimes green and sometimes brown. It may be green because of high humidity here. It's ranging from 60-75% humidity.
Any idea what this is about?