Damaged Vent?

Jackson 5

8 Years
Jan 16, 2012

I was having a problem with my chickens pecking eachother. I have the pecking under control now (finally), but I have one casualty. My hens are about 10 weeks old (not laying) & one has some vent damage because of the pecking. She can't poo on her own, it just oozes & collects on her feathers below. It looks healed but seems like the vent won't work right, almost like there is some parts missing. It won't close. She is still eating & drinking, not sure what to do for her? I have looked all ove online, but nothing specific to this. Any advice would be appreciated... thanks!
I have not had or seem them peck at the vent.. not that it can't happen. Have you checked for mites around the vents on all of them?

Can you take and post a picture of her vent... ?

If this was a hen that was old enough to lay.. I would say to Search here on BYC and read up on Prolapse and Eggbound.. there is an "Eggbound treatment" that is a warm bath and an oiled little finger gently into the vent to feel for an egg, or to stimulate laying... but, that might also help to feel the problem... and to get a closer look.. (unless she's too small, her vent's too small)... so.. you might check out the Eggbound treatment and see if that could be useful even though she's not old enough to be laying yet? Or not. Since you need to keep her cleaned off, the warm soaking bath might help anyway, at least with removing the poop from her feathers, and getting a better look.

Or, if you can .. take her to a poultry certified veterinarian.

Apple Cider Vinegar in the water... 1 Tablespoon per gallon can help with pasty / poopy butt if it's not a vent problem.

Just some ideas... something to consider... I really have never come across what you are describing.

Good luck.
Thank you for the reply. She died this morning, poor little thing! She was 10 weeks old, so she was not laying yet. Thanks for the useful information for the future!

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