Dark Barred Plymouth Rocks 2 Days old Sex?


7 Years
Jan 18, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
At first I thought I had 2x girls because my research showed a defined area on the head for the girls. What do I get? Two chicks with a very definite tiny spot on each. Then, I saw the legs! The first one was really light plus it has a blurred white section on it's rump. A boy? The 2nd one had practically the same tiny definite spot but really dark legs! Didn't help when a friend told me he thought both were boys! Now, I'm confused! Can anyone help?


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Where did you get them?
I've never trusted the head spot thing, as I know that with hatchery quality birds it doesn't really apply. Give it a few weeks for those wing feathers to come out and you'll know then.

also, watch those leg bands... they're going to get very tight very quickly! You'll have to remove them very soon!
Where did you get them?
I've never trusted the head spot thing, as I know that with hatchery quality birds it doesn't really apply. Give it a few weeks for those wing feathers to come out and you'll know then.

also, watch those leg bands... they're going to get very tight very quickly! You'll have to remove them very soon!
Hi, Frazzemrat1! Thank you for your input. I got them from McClaren Poultry in South Australia so the lines may be a bit different over here in comparison to USA. She has various Rare Heritage Breeds there. So, not a hatchery.

Re: the wing feathers: I gather you mean when the barring is able to show whether they're male or female?

Re. the tags. Bless you for the concern. I've been using them for nearly 6 years now and have been very careful in keeping an eye on the tags and each chick's growth. Therefore, it's never been a problem. But thank you for your concern. :thumbsup
Hi, Frazzemrat1! Thank you for your input. I got them from McClaren Poultry in South Australia so the lines may be a bit different over here in comparison to USA. She has various Rare Heritage Breeds there. So, not a hatchery.

Re: the wing feathers: I gather you mean when the barring is able to show whether they're male or female?

Re. the tags. Bless you for the concern. I've been using them for nearly 6 years now and have been very careful in keeping an eye on the tags and each chick's growth. Therefore, it's never been a problem. But thank you for your concern. :thumbsup

Awesome!!!! Yes, to the question on the wing feathers in regards to barring.
Thank you, HuffleClaw, Moonshiner, CrazyForChickens and DucksAndChickens for your input! I hope you're right, MoonShiner! That would be lovely! Less messing about if that's the case! I'll let you all know in a few weeks how they're progressing and when I, finally, know. :thumbsup
Update for everyone: 2 wk old pics. 1st 3x Pics: One I'm pretty darn sure that she is a "she" as she is showing even barring across her wing feathers all along the edge. But, the other one 2nd 3x Pics: is confusing and rather suspect as "she" (Wah! Having doubts!) has only developed barring along 1/2 the edge on one side and I know that males take longer to feather. The barring is confusing because one side is even (atm?) and the other side looks more blurred so difficult to tell. Well, the 2nd one could just be a slower feather developer than her sister. (I'm being hopeful here! Lol!) They are only 2 wks old so I am expecting a lot, I suppose, to be able to say definitely what sex they are. Their leg markings don't have really strong wash markings on them. Just slight but they are definitely darker in colour from what I remember they should be for DBPRs (Yes. I've had them before but a long time ago) so I might be lucky! Another week will probably tell me whether the barring on their wings are even or not. It makes it difficult when you only have two to compare but I suppose I'm lucky as it would've been even harder with only one! Lol!


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