Dark Brahma Rooster question


May 6, 2023
Senoia, Georgia
Hello BYC community! I am looking at buying a Dark Brahma male chick and raising him as a breeding rooster. I do have one question of concern: Will his size and weight possibly hurt my more average sized girls? (Rhode Island Reds, Anconas, Buff Orpingtons). Thank you!
With the Orpingtons, he should be fine. With the Anconas, I'd be concerned because they're so small. Though I've never seen proof of a larger rooster injuring a much smaller hen during mounting, I wouldn't be surprised if they could.

(I had a large Orpington rooster with a small Isa Brown and one day the Isa Brown acted injured. I blamed the rooster for the longest time, then I later discovered the hen had something internally go wrong, which had nothing to do with the rooster.)
I have a brahma rooster with all standard size hens, and 1 silkie hen. He's very gentle and hasn't ever hurt them while mating, or otherwise. Brahma roos make the best roos!

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