Dark green/black diarrhea


10 Years
Feb 28, 2011
Kahaluu on Oahu
My speckled sussex chicks are 7 weeks old. One chicken at a time seems to have dark green/black diarrhea for the last 4-5 weeks. There has never been any frank blood visible in it. They seem healthy enough other than that...eating, drinking and running around. Theyʻve been on medicated chick crumbles since I got them at 2 days of age. Last week the feed store recommended Sulmet. So I put it in their water for 3 days. Didnʻt seem to make much of a difference. Then for 2 days all looked good---normal poop. Today again the dark green diarrhea came back again. Theyʻve been out in the chicken ark for a week now.

Any suggestions? Do I need to pay to have a stool specimen analyzed by the vet?

I am very new to this. Please help.
Here's the infamous poop chart. Chicken poop varies greatly. Dark green/black poop might just be normal. The feed store recommended sulmet because they were thinking coccidosis.

Hope it helps

Chickens will have a variety of poo. Mine will get, on occasion, the dark green, runny, super stinky poo. Nothing to worry about. But if all they have is dark green runny poo, i might be concerned. It certainly wouldn't hurt to get a fecal done. My vet charges $40 to drop off a sample and get it analyzed. If you don't have a local vet that will treat chickens, most avian vets will.
Thanks all. That is such a big relief. Iʻve been worried that they might die if I didnʻt do anything. But there was never any frank blood. I just thought it must be abnormal since it was so liquidy.
Thanks again.

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