
7 Years
May 21, 2017
My serama/d'uccle mix cockerel had a completely normal looking comb until about a month ago. Since then, it has progressively gotten darker, and is now almost black.

I am especially worried because this cockerel was born with a split in his breastbone. Also, his siblings still have perfectly normal combs.

Another thing that worries me is that this cockerel acts less energetic than he previously did. Other than that, there seem to be no other symptoms.


Compared to his brother:

His breastbone:

Him a little less than a month ago:
When a comb gets dark it's an indication of poor circulation. It can indicate heart or liver problems. Doesn't sound good if he is loosing energy. Feed him well, give vitamins/electrolytes in water (for the entire flock) and hope for the best. Or you can take him to a vet. Good luck. :fl
That's what I was afraid of...
He doesn't seem to be eating any less, but I'll make sure that I give him some vitamins or electrolytes.
Hes a pretty one!!!

Maybe frost bite.... I had a young roo get frost bite last year and he wasn't active at all.

Or are the other chickens picking on him any?
I'm pretty sure it isn't frost bite. The others don't pick on him at all.
Hes a pretty one!!!

Maybe frost bite.... I had a young roo get frost bite last year and he wasn't active at all.

Or are the other chickens picking on him any?
Duh, I didn't think about frost bite! Probably because it's still 88 degrees in the day and in the 60's during the night here. Thanks for reminding me other parts of the country have fall and winter much sooner than we do here in California!
Duh, I didn't think about frost bite! Probably because it's still 88 degrees in the day and in the 60's during the night here. Thanks for reminding me other parts of the country have fall and winter much sooner than we do here in California!
I live in a temperate zone, and it rarely gets cold here. Also, his whole comb got purple, instead of it starting at the tips.
Doesn’t look like frost bite. It is a sign of circulation as Pepper suggested. Does he get treats high in fat?
If so stop on those. You could give him baby aspirin. Or one half of the 81 milligram aspirin made for people who have heart conditions. If you notice a change then that will point to a heart problem which the aspirin cannot correct.
Diet is important. No fatty foods. Best wishes
Doesn’t look like frost bite. It is a sign of circulation as Pepper suggested. Does he get treats high in fat?
If so stop on those. You could give him baby aspirin. Or one half of the 81 milligram aspirin made for people who have heart conditions. If you notice a change then that will point to a heart problem which the aspirin cannot correct.
Diet is important. No fatty foods. Best wishes
He used to, a few months ago. I'll make sure not to give him anymore.

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