Ok, I thought for sure that at least five of those little Serama eggs were good.
Two hatched on the 20th day and they are doing fine. They hatched with no problem, about an hour from pip to hatch.
I left the others in the incubator until tonight, wanting to give them a chance, and then decided that if they had NOT hatched by now, they were not going to. So I took them out and I did an Eggtopsy in the sink just to see.
At least I guess I know how to candle some, anyway.
Those three eggs were just full of dead but completely developed little chicks.
I almost feel tearful about them. Poor things, there was just NO REASON that they should not have come out of those eggs and be scratching about with their adorable little sibs.
I don't totally trust the humidity thing, but I think the temperature was just spot on.
Should I get an expensive hygrometer, you think?
Ok, I'l stop going on and on. It just upsets me so much. Heck, the yolk was completely absorbed in those eggs. They should have hatched and I do not understand why they did not.
I can totally understand why people get all obsessed with these little Seramas. In addition to being cute, they are so friendly. As soon as they see me they start twittering for me to pick them up.
Two hatched on the 20th day and they are doing fine. They hatched with no problem, about an hour from pip to hatch.
I left the others in the incubator until tonight, wanting to give them a chance, and then decided that if they had NOT hatched by now, they were not going to. So I took them out and I did an Eggtopsy in the sink just to see.
At least I guess I know how to candle some, anyway.
Those three eggs were just full of dead but completely developed little chicks.
I almost feel tearful about them. Poor things, there was just NO REASON that they should not have come out of those eggs and be scratching about with their adorable little sibs.
I don't totally trust the humidity thing, but I think the temperature was just spot on.
Should I get an expensive hygrometer, you think?
Ok, I'l stop going on and on. It just upsets me so much. Heck, the yolk was completely absorbed in those eggs. They should have hatched and I do not understand why they did not.
I can totally understand why people get all obsessed with these little Seramas. In addition to being cute, they are so friendly. As soon as they see me they start twittering for me to pick them up.