Day 16--I Hope the Air Cell is Big Enough


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
I just candled and all I could see was clear in the big end of the egg and then the whole rest of the egg was dark. The line between clear and dark seemed very straight and distinct. For five more days to go, I just hope the air cell is large enough. I've been searching for pics of candling around Day 16. Anyone know where I can find some?
Thanks, the movie wouldn't come on but I did see the pictures and you can actually sorta see the shape of the chick in those. Why are mine just a solid black mass except for the air sac? I couldn't see any blood vessels either but I haven't been able to see those at all throughout this process. When I candled around Day 12, I thought I saw some movement in one but I definitely didn't see any last night.

I so much want to get this right--I haven't had very big success rates before and we will be so disappointed if nothing happens next week...
Hi, don't be too worried. I've never seen movement in an egg, but I've hatched a bunch of them. I think my candling lights just haven't been bright enough to see the movement, my vision isn't great, either.

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