Day 2 Chick Yolk Pix


5 Years
Nov 4, 2014
:lauSo for the past two days I found my Serama pullet, hardly a year old, sitting on a clutch of eggs. (Imagine 12 eggs from my Seramas and large chicken all under her tiny body - she's the runt of her clutch). :lau

Today I tried candling to a very unhappy hen and saw nothing. I figured with two roosters in the flock and her collecting *everyones* eggs there had to be something! I took out one little egg and cracked it on a rock to see anything and behold, I'm a chick murderer (I think)...



Since nothing was visable through candling it must not have been far along but upon cracking it and looking at the yolk, I think it's safe to say this baby *was* about two days old.

(ahhhh I feel so bad but at the same time I got incredible pictures of a yolk at ~2 days old...well...thats what I'm telling myself lol!)
That was probably a baby. A chick's heart begins to beat at around day 2-3. Don't candle before day 5 at the earliest, you really can't see anything before then. Don't throw out any eggs before day 10, just to be sure, unless they're smelling or oozing.
But you're lucky to have a broody hen! You may want to pull some of those eggs from under her if her body can't cover them all.
That was probably a baby. A chick's heart begins to beat at around day 2-3. Don't candle before day 5 at the earliest, you really can't see anything before then. Don't throw out any eggs before day 10, just to be sure, unless they're smelling or oozing.
But you're lucky to have a broody hen! You may want to pull some of those eggs from under her if her body can't cover them all. 

Oh gosh, I feel so bad!!:hit Im a chick murderer :( My seramas always try and hatch chicks and they usually make it until day ~17 and then they usually die late births inside the eggs. I really hope they hatch. She is brooding on a large clutch
That was probably a baby. A chick's heart begins to beat at around day 2-3. Don't candle before day 5 at the earliest, you really can't see anything before then. Don't throw out any eggs before day 10, just to be sure, unless they're smelling or oozing.
But you're lucky to have a broody hen! You may want to pull some of those eggs from under her if her body can't cover them all.
I can usually see (in my light colored eggs) development at day 3. I do, however totally agree with you about not throwing anything out before day 10. I will occasionally throw out an obvious blood ring early if I get one, but anything else stays in until day 10. I never throw anything out after day 10 either (unlesss it's w/o a doubt) because after day 10 it's too hard to tell until hatch.
I was going to put up a day three candle, but apparently I don't have any day 3's, but I do have some day 4's and up.
Oh gosh, I feel so bad!!
Im a chick murderer
My seramas always try and hatch chicks and they usually make it until day ~17 and then they usually die late births inside the eggs. I really hope they hatch. She is brooding on a large clutch
It's ok! Don't feel bad!!!! Everyone makes mistakes. And please post pics of any chicks that hatch. :)
I can usually see (in my light colored eggs) development at day 3. I do, however totally agree with you about not throwing anything out before day 10. I will occasionally throw out an obvious blood ring early if I get one, but anything else stays in until day 10. I never throw anything out after day 10 either (unlesss it's w/o a doubt) because after day 10 it's too hard to tell until hatch.
I was going to put up a day three candle, but apparently I don't have any day 3's, but I do have some day 4's and up.
Awesome pic. Those veins are beautiful!
For some reason my eggs never candle this good--probably because I don't have a good candler (enter dollar store flashlight that works only 50% of the time!!!!

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