Day 21 and a Chick under mama ++PIc++


12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
Redding, Ca.
I am so excited. My cochin Lacy has been sitting on 6 eggs from Speckled Hen, Cynthia.

She was on the fake eggs for 5 days before I got the fertilized eggs 21 days on the eggs that were fertile and 26 for Lacy.

There is a chick under her!!!! She won't let it out for me to see it, but I got the egg shell and it is there.....

What an exciting time. She has been a great mama so far and I cannot wait for the other eggs to hatch.


Just had to share...

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I don't think she has had a face to face until this picture was taken. The chick was trying to get out and I was trying to put it back in... then Lacy took a look at it and I took a picture.

This is the best thing ever for her.... first baby and first time; she is only 7 months old or so. What a good mama she has been.

Aww they are precious. You all are so lucky to have good broody hens! So, are there any more chicks yet? And what breed are the chicks?
I was so glad I could send those "emergency" eggs to you, Ellie! All the way from GA to CA, too! That baby in the pic is from my Barred Rock rooster Hawkeye with my pretty Blue Ameraucana girl, Charlotte. How sweet! Lacy is so gorgeous, Ellie. She's going to be a great mom, I think.

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