Day 23 on Bob White..My turn to pace! Pics of 2


11 Years
May 31, 2008
Eagle Creek, OR
Tomorrow/late tonight at 2 am is day 24 (counting day 1 as day 0 right?). No movement....nothing. I am now getting so nervous. Are they known to hatch later...say day 25 or 26? They were in the hova-bator 1588 untill yesterday morning ...then I put them in the 1602 for hatching. Any advice....?

I haven't lifted the lid....I have been good! Power was down on hatcher for abot 6 hours yesterday...was down to 70's in there (no wiggler BTW) and took a while to get back p to temp. <<<<<link to power down discussion.

Thanks in advance!
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OMG!!!!! I heard a peep....and guess what is running around in my bator! 1 bob white quail baby!


So exciting!!
another one popped out with a lil yoke left...I thought no big deal. Just checked and now blood is everywhere and intestines appear to be hanging out...and a lil more coming out any minute. Just leave it be right....nothing I can do?
It's getting keeps stepping on the gooey stuff and pulling more out.....should I put it of of it's misery? What do I do?
I just hatched out 34 Butler Bob's and 4 white Bobs about 2 weeks ago. I have hatched out up to 700 at times with eggs that I bought from eggbid. They do pop out like popcorn, and some will come out so fast that they don't totally absorb their egg yolk. These are usually doomed, but a few will survive. Sad, but reality.

Be sure to see that their food is small enough for their tiny beaks. I lost many till I figured out that they need very tiny bits of feed. I use a 27% gamebird starter, and run it through my wife's blender to powder it up. She isn't real happy about it, so I do it when she's at work. The first few days, I don't even bother to use a feeder. I just spread a few paper towels on their floor and spread the powdered food on them. The babies soon find it and eat well.

Be sure to use a quail waterer. A chick waterer is too high, and they will jump into it in order to drink and drown. And don't put the waterer in a corner of their pen. They try to hide and go behind the waterer, get wet and die easily.

After a week or so, I have been giving mine a hard boiled egg cut lengthwise. They love them, and it cuts down on the picking.

You might also try putting an old plastic mayo jar or something similar for them to hide in. They love to go into things and hide. They also will sleep in them.

Good luck!
Thanks for the support shelleyd2008. It is sad but I guess we know it can happen. No other ones out yet....I am hoping for more healthy lil fuzzballs.

Thank you jhm47. That makes me feel better. Being my first time I just wanted to make sure there isn't some piece of info I was missing. You made me feel a lot better.

I soooo would of put my water container in the corner....thanks for the warning! Marbles in the water container still work? To keep them from drowning? I will grind the food up very fine....and I appreciate all the tips!
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