Hello all! I am new to chicken keeping and need some help. I have a hen who has been broody for most of the summer now. We tried many ways to get her over it and finally gave in and gave her two eggs to sit on. We are not positive they were fertilized, but the friend we got them from said they most likely were since the rooster has been on all of his hens like crazy. The eggs were due to hatch on Sunday (8/11) but here we are on August 15 and still no chicks, no pips, nothing. (I should also add that we didn't candle them because we didn't want to disturb her.) Do I keep letting her sit on them or assume they're duds? Has anyone had any really late hatches from a broody hen? As best as we can tell she's been very devoted to sitting on her nest, so I hate to have her give up with no reward. I suppose I could get some chicks for her to adopt if that's even a thing. Thanks for your advice!