Day 30 of Turkey egg incubation


Jan 12, 2022
30 days ago I set a clutch of 4 turkey eggs on a broody hen. I candeled them yesterday and today and it seems that 2 of the 4 eggs are well developed because the light wont go through them. However I didn't hear anything coming from them and there was no signs of cracks in the eggs. I'm wondering if they can still hatch and if they are even alive anymore. Any advice?
30 days ago I set a clutch of 4 turkey eggs on a broody hen. I candeled them yesterday and today and it seems that 2 of the 4 eggs are well developed because the light wont go through them. However I didn't hear anything coming from them and there was no signs of cracks in the eggs. I'm wondering if they can still hatch and if they are even alive anymore. Any advice?
did you see any movement? Is this a first timer or reliable broody?

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