Day Old Baby Chicks & Cochins - Breed/Color?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 13, 2009
We got our very first baby chicks yesterday!
Needless to say I'm extremely excited, but also a little curious too. We have a rough idea of what breeds they might be, but nothing solid. What do you think?

Group Shot:




So far I'm guessing that the yellow & cinnamon chicks are White/Buff Orpingtons, the solid black ones are Black Stars (I hope! -crosses fingers-), the black/yellow ones are Australorps, and that the chipmunk-striped ones are Easter Eggers. We also got 3 Cochins but I'm not sure what they're going to look like when they get older. I'm hoping the little chocolate one might look similar to a Partridge?

P.S. I also have close-ups of the other chicks. Feel free to ask for specific ones though if you need a better look! I just don't want to make this thread too picture heavy.
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Those chipmunk striped ones could be wellies, LB Leghorns or Speckled Sussex.

Bottom one looks like a Partridge Cochin.

You may have some Australorps there also.
Thanks for the input! I decided to put up photos of the other two cochins, too - I'm pretty sure the top one is black and the middle one MIGHT be silver penciled, but the last chick is still a mystery. I tried looking up various cochin colors and none of them matched exactly - maybe she's a "mutt"?

It's hard to tell in the picture, but she has a black stripe running down her back that gradually fades to a deep brown (so dark it looks black without a good light) and a lighter gray-white underbelly and chest spot... You can kind of see it in the first pic (she's the chick furthest on the right) Also little yellow highlights on the fluff on her feet.
Well... After considering our chances of getting roosters (which we can't keep
) we decided to get 4 more chicks just to be on the safe side. Excuses, excuses, I know.
We're already addicted!


The top two are suppose to be another Easter Egger and a buff Orpington, but the little yellow one with black spots is a mystery. We also got another gray Cochin and I'm curious to see what she'll look like when she grows up. Any ideas?

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