Day Olds and Ready To Lays Together


9 Years
Jan 27, 2010

We ordered 6 day olds and 4 ready to lays, all the same breed (Shaver Red Sex-Links). We wanted the experience of the chicks (especially for our 3 year old) and wanted to have some eggs right off the bat. The question is will we have problems combining the chicks with the 20 week old birds?

We were planning to do the first couple of weeks for the chicks in the house (below freezing out still). Any tips for introducing the younger ones to the older girls would be a big help. ie how old should the chicks be? should they be segregated in the coop for a while? if segregated who do we need to control, the pullets from getting into the chicks or the chicks getting out?

I wouldn't put them together until the chicks are about the same size as they pullets or they'll get picked on and possibly killed. I seperated my little ones in a 3 sided cage up against one wall within the coop until they were big enough to fend for themselves. When you do introduce them, you might want to do it at night when the others are on the roost.
Definately wait to put the chicks in. Most people say to wait until night time to put the birds in. Chickens don't see well at night and will not notice the new birds.

Hopefully you can get more ideas from some others how to introduce them as well.

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