Days 13/15 on Serama/Duck & Silkies (Update 6/7)


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Grenada, MS
17Today is day 13 on my Serama and Mucsovy eggs and day 11 on my own silkies (100% fertile) and I think the duck eggs are ok, never hatched them before but I see babies in there for now. How else is around these dates?


Edited to remove the ameraucana eggs, none were viable on day 8
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Today is day 17 on the serama and ducks. I move the serama to the hatcher tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. I also have 8 of my own silkie eggs under a broody silkie. She only had 5 and I had the other 3 in the bator, but I put the other 3 under her and she seems to be doing fine. All have babies so far. Keep your fingers crossed for me this week. I leave for vacation next sunday. I hope they are all ok and I can leave knowing they are fine.


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