Days and nights mixed up?


Jan 6, 2018
Centre, AL
When my 2 year old Red Star began laying again in February I was a bit worried. To begin with her egg shells were extremely soft, barely covered with a thin shell. The first time I noticed her problem she was out and about with the rest of the birds. However, she came up to me on the deck, kind of like she wanted me to know something was wrong...and there was. She had egg yolk and white and part of a shell coming from her vent. I quickly grabbed her up, as some of the others noticed this as well, and took her inside. I cleaned her up and sat back to watch her. It was clear by her actions and movements that she still had something in her. I got the KY jelly and gently felt around inside her with my little finger. I could not feel any shell inside so I kept her inside and just watched her. In about 30 minutes, after several grunting/squeezing attempts, she finally passed the remainder of the eggshell. This exact scenario occurred three more times. I was worried to begin with, but then thought maybe it was just her reproductive system getting geared back up. Fast forward to today. Her shells are just fine now, however, she now lays about 75% of her eggs on the roost, not long after she goes to roost. Of course these big, beautiful eggs break when they hit the poop board. Is there something I can do to get her completely back on a daytime schedule of laying? My other hens are doing just fine.
All my hens free range all day every day and only eat Purina Omega 3 Layer feed with oyster shell offered free choice. This spring is the first time I’ve experienced the hens coming back into lay after the winter break. This all may be normal, I’m just not sure. Thanks a bunch for any and all advice.
Could be she needs time to get regulated. Normally a hen will hold her egg until morning. Could be she has a weakened sphincter and can't, or just doesn't care to. Creating an egg takes roughly 26 hours so after a few days, or longer, she should come around to where they are coming during daytime again.

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