DE replacement


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
mtns of ,NC.
Someone said there was a sweet something you could use to help dry up your run and bring down odors. Can anyone remember what it is called? Jean
i think you are thinking of sweet pdz, my friend uses it in her horse stall, but it dries, i dont think it kills insects...
i know there is more explanation if you do a search on it here.
Sweet PDZ will neutralize ammonia type odors. It is a granular chemical commonly used in horse stalls to neutralize urine. It will neutralize chicken poop odor as well when it is sprinkled in a coop or run. When sprinkled in my run, the chicks scratch it into the poop and pine straw in the run. It seems to work best for me after a wet spell when the ammonia smell is bad.

It helps keep down flies by neutralizing the odor but to my knowledge does not have an effect on actually killing flies and their larvae as does DE.


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